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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | integumentum commune Short Extended |
Current level | cutis Short |
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Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
7163 | 7383 | tax |
72014 | 7384 | tax |
sulci cutis
skin sulci
71013 | 7385 | tax |
cristae cutis
dermal ridges; papillary ridges
77855 | 7388 |
toruli tactiles
tactile elevations
71952 | 7389 | tax |
lineae distractionis
tension lines; cleavage lines
70596 | 7390 | tax |
70323 | 7391 | tax |
dermis ; corium P3 36 children
dermis ; corium
64776 | 7392 | tax |
stratum papillare
papillary layer
67819 | 7393 | tax |
64778 | 7394 | tax |
stratum reticulare
reticular layer
67821 | 7405 | tax |
musculus arrector pili
arrector muscle of hair
71012 | 17300 | tax |
adnexae cutis
skin appendages
53667 | 7395 | tax |
7395 |
# pilus
# hair
70660 | 7404 | tax |
folliculus pili
hair follicle
7406 | tax |
flumina pilorum
hair streams
7407 | tax |
vortices pilorum
hair whorls
7408 | tax |
cruces pilorum
hair crosses
70667 | 7396 | tax |
downy hair; primary hair
70751 | 7397 | tax |
hairs of head
53669 | 17303 | tax |
cilia (par)
eyelashes (pair)
59408 | 7066 | tax |
cilia superiora (par)
superior eyelashes (pair)
59409 | 8521 | tax |
cilia inferiora (par)
inferior eyelashes (pair)
54240 | 7399 | tax |
pili barbae ; barba
hairs of beard ; beard
76561 | 7400 | tax |
tragi (par)
hairs of tragus (pair)
53670 | 7401 | tax |
vibrissae (par)
hairs of nasal vestibule (pair)
70756 | 7402 | tax |
hirci (par)
axillary hairs (pair)
70754 | 7403 | tax |
pubic hairs
71878 | 7409 | tax |
glandulae cutis
skin glands
59152 | 7410 | tax |
glandulae sudoriferae
sweat glands
59154 | 17311 | tax |
glandulae sudoriferae eccrinae
eccrine sweat glands
59155 | 17312 | tax |
glandulae sudoriferae apocrinae
apocrine sweat glands
59160 | 7411 | tax |
glandulae sebaceae
sebaceous glands
76566 | 7412 | tax |
terminationes nervorum
terminals of nerves
54326 | 7413 | tax |
ungues (par) P3 38 children
nails (pair)
7413 |
# unguis
# nail
60128 | 7414 | tax |
matrix unguis (par)
nail matrix (pair)
77857 | 7415 | tax |
vallum unguis (par)
nail wall (pair)
60127 | 7416 | tax |
corpus unguis (par)
body of nail (pair) ; nail plate (pair)
77858 | 7417 | tax |
lunula unguis (par)
lunule of nail (pair)
60701 | 7418 | tax |
margo occultus unguis (par)
hidden border of nail (pair)
60702 | 7419 | tax |
margines laterales unguis (par)
lateral borders of nail (pair)
60703 | 7420 | tax |
margo liber unguis (par)
free border of nail (pair)
17319 | tax |
laminae unguis (par)
layers of nail (pair)
17319 |
# lamina unguis
# layer of nail
60870 | 7421 | tax |
perionyx (par)
perionyx (pair)
77859 | 7422 | tax |
eponychium (par)
eponychium (pair) ; cuticle (pair)
77860 | 7423 | tax |
hyponychium (par)
hyponychium (pair)
54327 | 17741 | tax |
ungues manus (par)
nails of hand (pair)
54329 | 17323 | tax |
unguis pollicis (par)
nail of thumb (pair)
54332 | 17324 | tax |
unguis digiti secundi (par)
nail of index finger (pair)
54335 | 17325 | tax |
unguis digiti tertii (par)
nail of third finger (pair)
54338 | 17326 | tax |
unguis digiti quarti (par)
nail of ring finger (pair)
54341 | 17327 | tax |
unguis digiti minimi (par)
nail of little finger (pair)
54328 | 17742 | tax |
ungues pedis (par)
nails of foot (pair)
54344 | 17328 | tax |
unguis hallucis (par)
nail of great toe (pair)
54356 | 17332 | tax |
unguis digiti quinti pedis (par)
nail of little toe (pair)
54347 | 17329 | tax |
unguis digiti secundi pedis (par)
nail of second toe (pair)
54350 | 17330 | tax |
unguis digiti tertii pedis (par)
nail of third toe (pair)
54353 | 17331 | tax |
unguis digiti quarti pedis (par)
nail of fourth toe (pair)
60 lines
50.0 %
43.3 %
40 partial items
82 entities
Scientific notes |
Signature |
Type of list | P2F |
List Unit Identifier | 7383 |
Sublist 1 | 7391 dermis 36/23 on 21.9.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 7413 unguis 38/13 on 21.9.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 74 subunits 36 |
Proper children | 7 |
Number of children | 81 (validated) |
Proper units | 6 |
Number of units | 42 (validated) |
Signature | 14806 (validated since 21.9.2024) |
Date: 29.12.2024 |